Saturday, September 28, 2024

One Word Film Project

For this project, we were instructed to create a 1-1:30 minute video with no dialogue that conveyed one word, my partner Isa and I were assigned the word: frustration. Through this project, we showed our understanding and skills with camera shots, angles, movement, and editing techniques. 

My partner and I brainstormed for this project and considered situations that would frustrate us. We ultimately decided on a scene where a girl is late to class because the doors to the building are locked so she has to run around to another entrance, she bumps into someone and loses more time, and when she reaches the classroom door, it is shot in her face which frustrates her. 

We also created a storyboard that helped us visualize our idea and plan out what shots, angles, and editing we would include, this aided in developing a clear storyline and prepared us for the filming process. 

Although my partner and I had to edit our projects separetly we both utilized iMovie to edit our videos. 

I think our story planning was well done and the use of camera shots and angles was well thought out. I could use more practicing with the editing techniques, but I think they were okay. The one inconvenience we had was that we did not record enough footage the first time and had to go back and record more when we realized we were missing some. 

OWF_Bauer Galindo 

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