Today we met in groups to talk about our projects and give each other feedback. My group was Anastasia. Charlie, Diego, Dani, Mckenna and me.
I told them I had already planned out my CCRs and shared my ideas with them, and they all agreed they were good. Then, I told them about how I had to schedule one more filming day because I did not have enough footage and Anastacia told me this happened to her too, which made me feel better about it. They all also helped me brainstorm on what I should add to my opening. Dani suggested I add a scene inside of the school instead of more driving clips which I thought was a good idea and Anastasia told me I could also add a graphic with the title instead of putting it over the scenes I already have like I originally planned on doing. Their feedback was really helpful and I feel more confident about what to do when I record again now.
Mckenna told us about her idea for her CCR and I thought it was really good but Charlie said it might not be as creative since she wanted to recreate the interviews that Wired does with famous people. Then, Charlie told us how she wanted to do a "What is in my bag" video and show all the props and equipment she used to film while answering the CCR questions and we all thought it was an amazing idea.
Diego, Dani, and Anastasia all said they wanted to do a talk show type of video and I suggested they all add visuals to make their video more entertaining than a talking head. Charlie also suggested they got a friend or family member to help them and act as a host in their talk show.
Dani's blog:
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