Sunday, March 2, 2025

Credits and Fonts

Before I edited, I wanted to plan which and how many credits would be in my opening and what font I wanted to use for them. This is a crucial part of a film opening, and every rom-com opening I watched included credits. 

I want to credit the producer, director, writer, cinematographer, editor, main actors, and the music I end up using (there will be a post about that soon I promise). 

I think it is really important to give credit where it is due and I know for this particular project crediting myself over and over might be redundant but I am proud of my work and want to be accredited for it. I will also credit my friend Zain for working the camera and my friend Isabella for acting.

As for the fonts, I found a website that has a variety of fonts that people can download for free you can type in any text and it will give you samples with each font. Here are some options I am considering

I liked the first one because it has the little heart on the i, but it did not convince me fully. I found the second one and I liked it because it feels juvenile which is the vibe of the opening. The third one thought was also really cute but I think it does not match the vibe as much as I would like it to, similar to the first one, I think they give off too much of a sweet romantic vibe, and even though the movie is a rom-com, the opening has a different vibe. The last option might be my favorite because it is both juvenile and pretty while still matching the vibe of the opening and the story in general.

I am between the second and fourth because I feel like fitting the vibe of the opening is more important than it being cute hehe. I am a very indecisive person so I have not decided which one I am going to use yet... but I will, very soon. There will be an update, I promise. 
Until next time!

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