Saturday, February 15, 2025

Plot Summary

Not My Intention  

I finally developed the full plot for my film opening so here is a short summary of the plot and what I plan to produce for the opening. 


Jade meets Maia on the first day of her senior year when Maia parks next to her, scratching her car. Jade is annoyed at her and does not look forward to parking next to her the entire year. As she walks into the school and receives her class schedule, she realizes she was placed in an art class, which is something she never planned to take and rushes to her counselor. They explain to her that she is missing an art credit to be able to graduate, so even though she is not happy about it she has to take the class. 
When she walks into class, she realizes Maia is there, not as a student but as an assistant. Maia offers to help her pass the art class if she does not make her pay for the car repairs and Jade initially refuses. As the week progresses she realizes she sucks at art and will probably fail the class if she does not accept Maia's help.
They end up helping each other and as they spend time together and get to know each other they end up falling in love. None of them wants to accept it at first, but they slowly start letting their feelings come through. Everything seems to be going well until Jade's friends ask her why she is always hanging out with "that weird girl Maia," she responds that she is only doing so to pass the art class, which is a lie, but when Maia overhears this conversation her feelings are hurt. Then, they into an argument, and Maia refuses to keep helping her. 
They stop helping each other and hanging out and Jade stresses out about her final project. In desperation she asks Maia to help her, who is offended by her audacity. Jade realizes how much she misses her and creates an art piece inspired by Maia. Once she presents it to the class, she apologizes to Maia while dedicating her art piece to her. Maia decides to forgive her and they get together as an official couple. 


For the 2-minute opening, I was thinking of starting on the inside of Jade's car and showing her getting ready to get down and go to class. I would like to show the inside of the car and have a few objects that represent her personality to show them. I would also like to include the credits during this sequence of close-ups. During this whole beginning part, I plan to include music in the background and pretend it is what Jade is listening to in her car, whenever Maia gets there and scratches the car the music will stop and the title "Not My Intention" will appear on screen. The last part of the opening is going to be the two of them getting out of the car and starting to argue. 

I am so excited to produce my opening, especially now that I have a clear idea of what I want it to be. I might still change a thing or two but for now, I feel really happy with my idea! 

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