Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Filming pt. 1


After I got everything ready, we started filming. I directed every shot and reviewed the angles before recording each scene. First, we recorded all the scenes that had dialogue in them as I thought they were going to be the hardest ones, and I was right. We had such a hard time not laughing and trying to stay serious for a few seconds after our lines to create a buffer. 

We recorded the scenes from inside Jade's car right before the scratch and her reaction to the scratch, which were a little frustrating to do as Isabella kept laughing whenever she looked at me, so I moved behind Zain who was recording and directed from there so she would not laugh and thankfully, that worked. 

Then we did Maia's line before she got out of the car which also took a few tries because I was acting and directing at the same time and I could not take myself seriously until after a few tries, but eventually we got the shot. We recorded all the lines at the end of the opening which also took a little while since we kept messing up and I wanted to get various versions of the same line so that I could choose which ones fit the best.

I think one of the hardest parts was to make the lines sound like I had envisioned them and to not get frustrated when things did not work on the first try. The good thing is that my friends kept a smile on my face and we kept trying until the scenes came out the way I wanted them to. Overall it was a successful filming session and I did have a lot of fun. 

Here is proof we had fun hahaha

At this point, we thought of calling it a day and resuming the next day, but I decided to continue since we only had the easy scenes left and I did not want to risk the parking spots being taken the next day or any inconsistency with having different cars parked in the proximity of ours. So we took a quick snack break and finished after. I will blog about part two of filming in the following days because I do not have time right now oops, TO BE CONTINUED...

But before I go, here is a very unflattering picture of Zain and I that Isabella took because why not?

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