Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR Production

 Questions 3 and 4

Yesterday my friends came over to my house and we recorded the lying detector interview. It was really fun and we thankfully got it done in about an hour, we had to divide the questions into various shots because we kept laughing and making fun of each other but it turned out great. 
I just finished clipping and putting the clips together and tried to make the cuts as smooth as possible, I just have to add the resources page at the end. 
Here is a picture of Dani and I getting the ankle weight on my arm:

(warning: a very frustrated and angry note from me)
Also on a very negative note, I had scheduled the recording for the last part of my opening today. However, my friends seem to have lost their memory and forgot the MULTIPLE conversations we had about recording today and did not bring the costume or camera to record after school so, now I have rescheduled it for Monday, which still gives enough time to edit and finalize it but it is still so frustrating. I double-checked with them yesterday, I really do not understand why they could not be more considerate and let me know ahead of time that they could not record today...
Sorry for the venting session but I am really frustrated :/

Now that the negativity is out, lets focus on the amazing bloopers from my CCR, enjoy. HERE please ignore the lighting I already tried to fix it 3 times and it looks fine on Premier Pro but when I download it it looks like that sorryyyyy. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting 03/12

Today we met in groups to talk about our projects and give each other feedback. My group was Anastasia. Charlie, Diego, Dani, Mckenna and me. 

I told them I had already planned out my CCRs and shared my ideas with them, and they all agreed they were good. Then, I told them about how I had to schedule one more filming day because I did not have enough footage and Anastacia told me this happened to her too, which made me feel better about it. They all also helped me brainstorm on what I should add to my opening. Dani suggested I add a scene inside of the school instead of more driving clips which I thought was a good idea and Anastasia told me I could also add a graphic with the title instead of putting it over the scenes I already have like I originally planned on doing. Their feedback was really helpful and I feel more confident about what to do when I record again now.

Mckenna told us about her idea for her CCR and I thought it was really good but Charlie said it might not be as creative since she wanted to recreate the interviews that Wired does with famous people. Then, Charlie told us how she wanted to do a "What is in my bag" video and show all the props and equipment she used to film while answering the CCR questions and we all thought it was an amazing idea. 

Diego, Dani, and Anastasia all said they wanted to do a talk show type of video and I suggested they all add visuals to make their video more entertaining than a talking head. Charlie also suggested they got a friend or family member to help them and act as a host in their talk show. 

It was overall a productive and helpful group meeting! We took a lot of pictures at the end because we wanted to be funny and make awkward pictures:

Here are links to everyone's posts:

Monday, March 10, 2025

Lying Detector Interview Script

 Questions 3 and 4

I decided to write the script for the lying detector interview first so that I could schedule the recording for tomorrow after school since it is the only day this week I do not have to stay until later for rehearsals or musical theater show. This also gives me more time to edit and finalize everything over the weekend and next week.

My friends are going to come over to my house and we will record using this script I created. We might not stick to it fully as I want the interview to sound conversational but it will be nice to have a guide on how I want the conversation to flow. I will send it to them today so they can learn their lines.

I am planning on using an ankle weight around my arm and a random cord from old headphones connected to a computer to simulate the lying detector, I think it will work out perfectly and it will look credible enough.
As for the part that goes on the chest I was planning on using some ribbon laces I have laying around or one of the stretch bands I have for dance. I think either of those can work but we will try both tomorrow and see which one works best. 

I will be back soon with the production post and the script for the podcast section of my CCR!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Planning Pt. 2

 Questions 3 and 4

I am beyond excited to create this part of my CCR as I have decided to do it in the format of a lying detector interviews like the ones Vanity Fair does. (here is one of Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo). I love watching these, I think they are so entertaining and after pondering on how to do my CCR it occured to me to mimic these interviews. 

The last two questions being 

  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
  • How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project?
I am already brainstorming on how to break them down into questions for the lying detector interview, I will also be writing this script soon and scheduling a time to record with my friends to ask me the questions. I will also have to create a makeshift lying detector as I do not own one hehe, or at least put together something that resembles one, but I do not think this will be too hard. 

I honestly do not think answering these questions about my project is hard since they are pretty straightforward and directly related to all the things I have learned so far in class and throughout the project. I like that they allow me to reflect upon my learning journey and the process it took for me to develop this project. 

I will be back with the script and the recording process soon, I am so excited!

Also, here is a playlist with more of these lying detector interviews. I will be watching more of these to keep getting inspiration on how to format mine. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

CCR Planning pt 1

Questions 1 and 2

I have decided to split my CCR into a podcast and a lying detector interview. I will use the podcast to discuss the first two questions 

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

I have always wanted to start a podcast so I thought it would be a good idea to create one for this project, I also feel like it allows me to discuss the topics engagingly and entertainingly fully. I plan to include my friends as hosts to ask me questions about my project and try to record it sometime next week, probably during the weekend. I will also be writing the script very soon. 

The editing process might be the hardest part because I plan to include intro music and insert audio clips of the research I include to make it as close to a real podcast as I can. I am excited to record this soon.

As for the questions itself, I plan to use the research I did at the beginning of my project and everything I have learned in class to inform and construct my answers. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025


I have been feeling a little discouraged since I realized I have to record more footage and a little stuck since I cannot record until the end of next week, but I know I have to keep going and focus on what I can do now. 

I am gathering all the sound effects, such as the music and the car scratch, that I will use for the opening. 

For the music, I had 6 different options... I am very indecisive, I know it is an issue. However, I asked my friend Ayami for help, and she said she liked the fourth one the best. So I decided to add it to the beginning clips and while I was watching I realized that I could include clips of Maia driving to school to introduce her character and show the contrast between the two through their driving habits. 

I like this sound because it gives off the vibes of starting something new, like a new chapter, which is what is happening in my film opening so I felt like it was fitting. I will have to adjust the length when I add Maia's clips and I want the cuts to happen with the beats of the music so that is something else I will have to edit later. However, seeing my project slowly come together is exciting and is encouraging me to stay positive until I get the chance to record the new clips next week. 

I also found the perfect scratch sound and it took me a little while to get the timing right, but I finally did. I got the scratch sound from the website Freesound and the music from is Bensound, where I found all the other options I was considering too, as they are all royalty free. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Editing day 1

 I have to re-record...

I started to edit my project YAY! To be completely honest I had not started before because I was overwhelmed and a little intimidated by the editing process, but today I decided to take on the challenge. 

I started by choosing which version of the clips I liked better, and it took me way longer than I thought it would. I am a very indecisive person and for various clips, I just could not decide between two or three. I asked my classmates for feedback and they helped me choose which ones to use. Everything seemed to be going fine while I was cropping all the clips until I looked at the time stamp and realized there was not enough footage. I was so close to crying because I started to see everything come together and got all excited and now I have to think about what to add or which parts to re-record. 
I am a little frustrated but I will not let this bring me down. I have to re-group my thoughts and stay positive. I think I can add a few clips of Maia driving before she parks and continue the conversation at the end. 
It just really sucks because I cannot record this week because I have rehearsals for the school musical I am in and next week we have our show. I will make time to record next week and hopefully get it all done this time. 
I am trying not to stress too much and I will focus on finding the audio components of the opening and start researching for my CCRs meanwhile.
Until next time, and hopefully on a more positive note. 

CCR Production

 Questions 3 and 4 Yesterday my friends came over to my house and we recorded the lying detector interview. It was really fun and we thankfu...